Hints and tips for your headshot session:

Head-shots are a great way to showcase your personality, professionalism, and uniqueness. Whether you're an actor, businessperson, or just looking for a great profile picture, a head-shot session can be an enjoyable and empowering experience.

Here are some tips on what to wear and basic poses to help you prepare for your head-shot session:

  1. Clothing:

  • Choose solid colours that complement your skin tone and hair colour.

  • Avoid patterns, prints, and bright colours that can distract from your face.

  • Opt for neutral colours like black, navy, grey, and brown.

  • Dress in something that makes you feel confident and comfortable.

  • Avoid wearing clothing with logos, labels, or branding.

  • Make sure your clothing fits properly, and is wrinkle-free.

  1. Makeup:

  • Wear minimal makeup, and avoid heavy eye makeup.

  • Ensure that your makeup enhances your natural features, rather than hiding them.

  • If you're a man, make sure your skin is clean and moisturized.

  1. Poses:

  • Relax your face, and try to maintain a neutral expression.

  • Avoid tightly clenching your jaw or frowning.

  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and your chin level.

  • Look directly into the camera lens with your eyes.

  • Try not to tilt your head too far in any direction.

These tips should help you prepare for your head-shot session and ensure that you get the best results. Remember, the goal of a head-shot is to showcase your face, so focus on making your expression and attire as professional and confident as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about your head-shot session, don't hesitate to ask me. I will be happy to help and guide you in any way I can. Good luck!